Learn Mass Spectrometry – A Complimentary Online Course

Dedicated to Science, Dedicated to You

Lecture 1: Understanding API Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: The Basics

Lecture 2: FIA, ESI & APCI
PART A. Introducing Liquids into a Mass Spectrometer: Infusion, Flow injection analysis / PART B. Electrospray Introduction / PART C. Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)

Lecture 3: Sample Preparation, Ion Source Optimization & ASAP Probe
PART A. Sample Preparation for Solution Introduction: Electrospray and APCI / PART B: Ion Source Optimization Procedure / PART C. Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP)

Lecture 4: Novel Sampling Techniques: Plate Express & Touch Express
PART A. Thin Layer Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/ PART B. Touch Express™ An Open Port Sampling Interface (OPSI)

Lecture 5: Principles for Successful LC/MS

Lecture 6: Negative Ions MS: Electrospray & APCI

Lecture 7: Normal Phase (Flash) Chromatography Couple to Mass Spectrometry