Reaction Monitoring & Compound ID
Real-time reaction monitoring answers
The expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) addresses the need of organic and synthetic chemists to understand the optimal time to quench a reaction mixture. They can obtain answers within minutes rather than hours or days. Additionally, the multiple inlet techniques of the atmospheric samples analysis probe (ASAP®), Plate Express® TLC plate reader, direct injection and more provides the ultimate in flexibility for sample analysis without the need for complex sample preparation.
The expression® family of compact mass spectrometers was developed with maximum versatility in mind and is also the ideal detector for flow injection/direct syringe injection, flow chemistry reaction monitoring, flash chromatography, preparative liquid chromatography, and supercritical-fluid chromatography.
Product Solutions

“Did I make my compound?” The expression® CMS provides real-time reaction monitoring at the bench for answers in minutes rather than hours or days.

Plate Express® features push-button analysis of TLC plates. Quickly and confidently identify compounds, even in complex mixtures, without additional sample preparation.

AVANT™ modular (U)HPLC systems can be configured to suit the needs of any lab when separation is required to identify starting materials, side products, and final compounds.

The ASAP® atmospheric solids analysis probe provides prep-free direct mass analysis of liquid and solid samples in <30 seconds. Simply swipe or dip the probe into the sample of interest and insert directly in to the CMS.

The inert ASAP® probe allows for direct mass analysis of air-sensitive compounds and reaction mixtures from the Schlenk line or glovebox with no sample degradation or preparation, including catalysts and organometallics in seconds.

Touch Express™, an open port sampling interface (OPSI) enables one-touch sample analysis of liquids, solids, surfaces, and fibers. The technique allows for compound ID and impurity detection from almost any surface in seconds.

The vAPCI volatile atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source enables easy headspace analysis of volatile compounds for reaction monitoring results in <30 seconds.
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