Mass Spectrometry for Teaching Chemistry Undergraduates – The expression® CMS & the SOLATION® ICP-MS

Recorded November 3, 2022: Featured talk in the LCGC Mass Spectrometry Symposium
Join Fadi Abou-Shakra, Director of ICP-MS Portfolio for Advion Interchim Scientific®, as he shares some of the organization’s latest mass spectrometry applications for the teaching lab. This includes student-friendly experiments using a compact single-quadrupole system, as well as simplified ICP-MS applications.
Fadi Abou-shakra started using ICP-MS in 1987 applying it for the analysis of trace elements in biological fluids and has been active in the field of atomic spectroscopy since then. He holds an MSc in Medical Physics and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Surrey, England. He brings a wealth of experience in ICP-MS as a researcher, customer support specialist and a business manager.
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