Innovations in Mass Spectrometry – Peak Express Software

During this webinar you will learn more about:
- A new type of mass spectrum: the Delta Spectrum (ΔS). The patented ΔS is able to look beyond chemical noise and automatically detect even the smallest peaks without knowing the m/z.
- How to easily find adducts, dimers, fragments, side-reactions and other unexpected compounds at the click of a button, in real-time or with post-processing.
- How to use Peak Express software to highlight minor components in complex mixtures and dirty matrices, and can give you the ability to control mass-directed purification without providing the compound mass.
- How to easily acquire XIC-quality data while scanning the entire mass range, allowing Peak Express™ to tell you the m/z.This webinar was featured by Lab Manager’s Tech Trends webinar series, “Innovations in Mass Spectrometry.”