Webinar: Genius Method Development Software

Dedicated to Science, Dedicated to You

Genius Method Development Software
Presented live October 24, 2024

Genius Method Development Software: Your daily assistant for automated method transfer

Presented by: Romain SPADARO, Flash Purification Product Manager, Advion Interchim Scientific

With any system in the puriFlash range, you will benefit from Genius, the artificial intelligence of the InterSoft® X software suggesting the best purification method for you based on your TLC and HPLC data. No matter how skillful you are with chromatography, Genius will enable you to increase the productivity of your laboratory and to achieve expert results for all your purifications.

In this webinar you will learn:
– How Genius can provide automatic detection of compounds.
– Easy and automatic calculation of Rf and ΔCV.
– Direct (and secure) transmission of this information to the puriFlash® system. “Genius”, integrated into the software, will suggest the best method for successful purification.
– How to easily archive your TLC data.

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