Soil Analysis using the Advion Interchim Scientific® SOLATION® ICP-MS

In this application note we present a method for routine analysis of 21 elements using the Advion Interchim Scientific® SOLATION® Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). A group of unknown soil samples and a CRM were digested using EPA 3051a and analyzed according to method 6020a requirements.

Analytical Sciences Synthesis & Purification: Consumables, Reagents & Instruments

The new edition of our “Analytical Sciences, Synthesis & Purification” catalog is available now! Offering a full suite of innovative products and technologies from Advion Interchim Scientific, this catalog features over 20,000 products ranging from consumables and reagents to instrumentation.

Not only a product resource, the catalog features in-depth scientific information to improve your daily workflow, including sample preparation tips and tricks, analysis technologies such as GC and LC/MS, and help selecting the best consumables for your workflow or purification.

Take advantage of this extensive guide to boost your lab with:

  • 20,000 Products
  • 12 Chapters
  • Technicals Tips
  • New Systems

SOLATION®, A New ICP-MS for the Detection of Heavy Metals in Cannabis and Hemp

Cannabis and hemp products are becoming much more available for medicinal and recreational use making routine testing for toxic heavy metals much more important. Advion Interchim Scientific® introduces the SOLATION® ICP-MS for the analysis of heavy metals in cannabis plant and cannabis product samples. While there are no federal guidelines for heavy metals in cannabis, states where cannabis use and production are legal have adopted exposure limits and QC criteria for Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead based on USP<233>. Here, we report the results of our sample analysis using these guidelines.

This poster was presented at the 2021 ASMS conference in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Axenic Culture and Biosynthesis of Secondary Compounds in Lichen Symbiotic Fungi, the Parmeliaceae

Rey Juan Carlos University, Complutense University of Madrid, University Rennes


Lichens produce unique secondary metabolites with a rich potential as bioactive compounds. In many cases, the use of these molecules is limited by the low concentration of these compounds in thalli, low growth rate in culture, and changes in chemical patterns between thalli and aposymbiotic culture. In addition, the massive collection of some species of industrial interest can cause damage to lichen diversity and the associated environment. Six lichenized fungi (Arctoparmelia centrifuga, Parmelia saxatilis, Parmelina tiliacea, Platismatia glauca, Xanthoparmelia tinctina, and Usnea ghattensis) with biotechnological interest and belonging to Parmeliaceae have been cultured in order to test culture conditions and obtain enough biomass for further studies. In addition, we analyzed the compounds synthetized in axenic conditions and they were compared with chemosyndromes identified in complete thalli. Arctoparmelia centrifuga, P. saxatilis, P. tiliacea and X. tinctina were successfully cultivated while for P. glauca and U. ghattensis we only obtained sporulation and germination of the spores. The chemical pattern of the compounds secreted into the culture media varied significantly from the chemosyndrome of the whole thallus. Phenolic compounds of pharmacological and industrial interest (usnic acid, aspicilin, α-alectoronic acid, physodic acid, lobaric acid and nordivaricatic acid) and a wide variety of potentially bioactive compounds were obtained during the culture process.

Analysis was performed by LC/MS using the Advion Interchim Scientific® expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS).

Analyzing the World Around Us: Tools for Environmental Testing & Monitoring

Environmental monitoring is vital to understanding the world around us. Air quality, water, and soil testing all provide valuable information about an environment’s status. Tools and technologies for environmental monitoring can be used to evaluate the sanitation of a food and beverage lab or to monitor an ecosystem’s recovery after an oil spill. Join Lab Manager and our panel of experts as we review the tools available for environmental testing and monitoring.

As an attendee, you will learn more about:

  • Developments in technology for environmental testing and monitoring
  • Considerations when purchasing technology for environmental testing and monitoring
  • Applications for environmental testing and monitoring across industries

This webinar was hosted by Lab Manager Tech Trends and recorded July 9, 2020.

Essentials for Heavy Metals Testing in Cannabis and Hemp

Review new data and tips for using the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in the cannabis and hemp testing lab, and factors that affect heavy metals in cannabis and hemp.

This ebook was created with Spectroscopy and released June 2020.

Heavy Metal Analysis of Cannabis Plants using the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® ICP-MS

In this study, we used the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® ICP-MS and a microwave digestion system to digest and analyze hemp samples using the validation methods described in USP General Chapter <233>. The sensitivity, ability to handle complex matrices, and the ability to remove interferences with a helium collision cell makes this the ideal system for heavy metal analysis in the cannabis industry.

In this application note you will learn:

  • How the SOLATION® is an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, the ultimate instrument for multi-elemental analysis, provides high sensitivity measurement of trace elements across a wide range of matrices.
  • The advanced intuitive software including ICP-MS Express, Quant Express, and Data Express provides an instrument control framework with automated tuning processes while also simplifying the quantitative and post-analysis data processing.
  • The results of hemp measurements in this note demonstrate that SOLATION® provides the required accuracy and sensitivity for heavy metal analysis in cannabis materials.

The Essential Systems & Consumables for Purification, Evaporation & Mass Spectrometry

The Advion Interchim Scientific suite of systems and consumables allows users to harness the power of mass spectrometry, flash chromatography, prep LC and more. Simple and robust, download our brochure to learn more about:

  • The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS): A fast and easy analytical tool for the organic chemist. Ideal for fast reaction monitoring, the expression® CMS features a single quadrupole that can adapt to multiple ionization sources in seconds, including both ESI and APCI. The expression® CMS offers a variety of novel sampling techniques, including fast assay methods for liquids, solids, gases, and even air-sensitive compounds.
  • Direct mass analysis of TLC plates in 30 seconds at the push of a button with Plate Express
  • One-touch analysis of solids and liquid samples with the ASAP® probe
  • LC/CMS
  • puriFlash® ultra performance flash purification: Ideal for method development and purification of rare and high added value compounds, the Interchim family of puriFlash® systems offer users a wide range of throughput options and the highest recovery rates at >95%.
  • Mass-Guided Purification: the Interchim puriFlash® + Advion CMS offers the ideal solution for Flash-MS, and can provide fraction identification in <30 seconds.

Fill out the form to download the full Advion Interchim Scientific brochure now.

Gas Phase Sample Analysis By Volatile APCI (vAPCI)

Volatile Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (vAPCI) combined with Advion Interchim Scientific’s expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS) is a fast and easy method to analyze the headspace of a sample with no additional sample prep.

The vAPCI ion source is a simple, powerful tool for gas phase sample analysis. The technique can quickly and confidently identify compounds in air, breath, headspace and other gas samples.